Thursday, October 04, 2007

Year of the Dog

I had Chinese food today for lunch and brought a fortune cookie home for Rachel. She loves them. I left the cookie in my purse, and sat my purse on the floor when I got home. We came in from playing outside tonight and saw the empty cookie wrapper lying near my purse. Annie (our dog) had found a little snack. The slip of paper with the "fortune" on it was on the floor beside the wrapper. Rachel asked, "So, what's Annie's fortune?"

I picked up the paper and read this:

"Today it's okay to make a few choices by going with your instincts."


Kelsey said...

That is...hilarious.

Susie Moore said...

Thats great!

mimi said...

Did the fortune have lotto numbers on the back? Maybe Annie could strike it rich!

Robert Conn said...

Happy Birthday Amy!

Jen said...

Hi Amy!! (or should I call you "Hottie" I found you through Lance's blog! :-))

Enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about the Burchs!

Jen V

Ericka said...

Awww, I love your dog. She is such a cutie, and the fortune, oh my, how funny!