Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sullivan's Flaw

Sullivan's Flaw was presented this weekend by the Underground Student Movement of LifePoint Church. Thursday night about 80 people showed up for the invited dress rehearsal. Friday night, Saturday night, and tonight the show was performed dinner theater style. The tickets all sold out (over 300 of them) and people have shown up each night to sit and stand around the room and watch, as well. Hannah, Rachel, and I went Friday, opening night, and the show was great. I went again last night and it was even better. The students, musicians, food crew, and everyone else involved have done an incredible job. Lance is really tired, but he's enjoying the performance weekend so much. As I write this tonight, the final show should be coming to an end and the cast party will begin shortly.


Danielle said...

how great! I'm so glad you posted these. I wish I could have seen it. love you

Mom of 6 said...

The play was awesome! It was fun to watch Kevin be in his "sweet spot". It's nice to take a breath now!!!