Monday, April 07, 2008

It's The Little Things

My day started out with a dental appointment, just a regular check up and cleaning. I have always enjoyed going to the dentist. I love the feeling of newly polished teeth. Today's appointment was just for me, so that was fun. I am usually bringing all 3 kids in for their check ups, too. After the appointment I did some shopping.

On my 20 minute trip home I realized what a relaxing time I was having driving all by myself. I was listening to my choice of radio station, and singing along with Elton John, uninterrupted. Going anywhere alone is rare for me right now. And when I get to, I enjoy it a lot. It doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing, but alone time in the car is good for me.

By the time I got home, I felt refreshed. If going to the dentist, Wal-Mart, and driving a car alone makes my day, I guess I need to get a life.


Kathi Roach said...

You are so funny! My little sister is just like you....she also LOVES getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist. She actually had an appt the day of Sr Prom for HS and was sad that she couldn't have an appt the day of her wedding. She had to settle for a few days before. :)

I know what you mean about free time alone. I was so sad when Blaine went to 1st grade last year (our school didn't have all day K yet.) and was going to be gone all day. Honestly, I have to tell's pretty nice...just to be able to listen to MY music, & to have some time ALONE after 13 years with little kids at home.

Shelly Conn said...

I hear you Amy. Shopping at Walmart with three children and being 7 months pregnant is not easy. A few times I have waited for Robert to get home and then went. I really like doing that. But nothing is easy with that many kids, just going to get stamps at the post office is a big deal.