Monday, August 21, 2006

B & A Trail

Rachel arrived at our house Saturday morning to spend the day with Hannah and Little Rach, and Lance and I headed off with Chloe to meet some other families for a bike ride down the B & A trail. This is a 13 mile paved trail that runs from BWI airport in Baltimore to Annapolis. Lance mountain bikes with these guys (and one of the girls) on Tuesdays. They are all great people. I know a few of them that go to our church, and enjoyed meeting the others and their wives and kids. It was a large group, with several trailers for kids in tow. The trail ride was great, but the ride was tough for me once we came to the end of the trail and headed out on the roads through Annapolis. I was challenged by some of the hills and a pretty steep bridge that we crossed. After lunch in Annapolis, we headed back. Again, I toughed it out and made it back over that bridge. I did struggle some, but was proud that I hung in there with everyone. I never quit or walked my bike, I wasn't about to do that. These people, with the exception of one of the wives, ride often, unlike me. We rode a total of 36 miles. I really enjoyed the ride and the challenge. I'm looking forward to trying some other trails soon.