Thursday, August 10, 2006


While in Dallas we were able to track down another letterbox. We first went to the aboretum but struck out there. I guess a grounds keeper found that one and removed it, because it wasn't there for us. After a walk through the gardens and the incredible display of ultimate tree houses done by local architects, we were off to White Rock Lake to try again. This time we were successful and found the "Lady of the Lake" box fairly easily. We said farewell to our hitchhiker, "Woody the Butterfly" and left him there with the "Lady". All in all it was a fun find and cool to be able to take "Woody" so far from where we found him.


Susie Moore said...

I looked up the website for the Dallas Aboretum to look at those tree houses... they were really cool. My favorite was the one listed as the winner.