Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We had a fun day yesterday in Hershey, PA. Hershey Park is beautiful. The roller coasters are great. There are tons of rides for all ages. And, some free chocolate was nice, too. Hannah and Rachel are so much fun. They have always ridden any ride that they were tall enough to ride since they were little. Yesterday was no exception. They loved the Comet and the Sooperdooperlooper and everything else they rode. It is strange, now that they are getting older (10 and 8) to see them go off with their friends, without Lance or me, to ride some huge looping roller coaster. Of course, Jason or Rachel were nearby when Lance and I weren't. We're just beginning to enter another new phase of life as they are getting older and are becoming more and more independent. It looks like Chloe is a lot like them when it comes to thrill rides. Of course, she is too small to ride the big coasters, but she enjoyed the Flying Falcons and the Trailblazer more than any of the kiddie rides. She rode the Trailblazer with us three times and held her little hands in the air the whole time! Every time a ride ended, she begged to ride it again. We ended the day with a trip to Chocolate World and the chocolate making tour ride. After the ride, we were given a Take 5 bar. The Take 5 consists of pretzel, caramel, peanut butter, peanuts, all covered in chocolate. It was really good, I recommend it. We returned home at about 12:15 am and crashed.


Robert Conn said...

we miss you guys...